Installation 🛠️#


Install ROS#

ROS Agents is built to be used with ROS2. All ROS distributions starting from Iron are supported. Install ROS2 by following the instructions on the official site.

Install a model serving platform#

The core of ROS Agents is agnostic to model serving platforms. It currently supports Ollama and RoboML. Please install either of these by following the instructions provided by respective projects. Support for new platforms will be continuously added. If you would like to support a particular platform, please open an issue/PR.


For utilizing larger models, it is recommended that model serving platforms are not installed directly on the robot (or the edge device) but on a GPU powered machine on the local network (or one of the cloud providers).

Install ROS Agents (Ubuntu)#

Binary packages for Ubuntu will be released soon. Check this space.

Install ROS Agents from source#

Create your ROS workspace.

mkdir -p agents_ws/src
cd agents_ws/src

Get Dependencies#

Install python dependencies

pip install pillow numpy opencv-python-headless 'attrs>=23.2.0' jinja2 httpx

Download ROS Sugar.

git clone

Install ROS Agents#

git clone
cd ..
colcon build
source install/setup.bash