
Module Contents#



This component utilizes large language models (e.g LLama) that can be used to process text data.


class agents.components.llm.LLM(*, inputs: list[Union[agents.ros.Topic, agents.ros.FixedInput]], outputs: list[agents.ros.Topic], model_client: agents.clients.model_base.ModelClient, config: Optional[agents.config.LLMConfig] = None, db_client: Optional[agents.clients.db_base.DBClient] = None, trigger: Union[agents.ros.Topic, list[agents.ros.Topic], float] = 1, callback_group=None, component_name: str = 'llm_component', **kwargs)#

Bases: agents.components.model_component.ModelComponent

This component utilizes large language models (e.g LLama) that can be used to process text data.

  • inputs (list[Topic | FixedInput]) – The input topics or fixed inputs for the LLM component. This should be a list of Topic objects or FixedInput instances.

  • outputs (list[Topic]) – The output topics for the LLM component. This should be a list of Topic objects. String type is handled automatically.

  • model_client (ModelClient) – The model client for the LLM component. This should be an instance of ModelClient.

  • config (LLMConfig) – The configuration for the LLM component. This should be an instance of LLMConfig. If not provided, defaults to LLMConfig().

  • db_client (Optional[DBClient]) – An optional database client for the LLM component. If provided, this should be an instance of DBClient. Otherwise, it defaults to None.

  • trigger (Union[Topic, list[Topic], float]) – The trigger value or topic for the LLM component. This can be a single Topic object, a list of Topic objects, or a float value for a timed component. Defaults to 1.

  • callback_group (str) – An optional callback group for the LLM component. If provided, this should be a string. Otherwise, it defaults to None.

  • component_name (str) – The name of the LLM component. This should be a string and defaults to β€œllm_component”.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for the LLM.

Example usage:

text0 = Topic(name="text0", msg_type="String")
text1 = Topic(name="text1", msg_type="String")
config = LLMConfig()
model = Llama3(name='llama')
model_client = ModelClient(model=model)
llm_component = LLM(inputs=[text0],
add_documents(ids: list[str], metadatas: list[dict], documents: list[str]) None#

Add documents to vector DB for Retreival Augmented Generation (RAG).


Documents can be provided after parsing them using a document parser. Checkout various document parsers, available in packages like langchain_community

  • ids (list[str]) – List of unique string ids for each document

  • metadatas (list[dict]) – List of metadata dicts for each document

  • documents (list[str]) – List of documents which are to be store in the vector DB

Return type:


set_topic_prompt(input_topic: agents.ros.Topic, template: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) None#

Set prompt template on any input topic of type string.

  • input_topic (Topic) – Name of the input topic on which the prompt template is to be applied

  • template (Union[str, Path]) – Template in the form of a valid jinja2 string or a path to a file containing the jinja2 string.

Return type:


Example usage:

llm_component = LLM(inputs=[text0],
llm_component.set_topic_prompt(text0, template="You are an amazing and funny robot. You answer all questions with short and concise answers. Please answer the following: {{ text0 }}")
set_component_prompt(template: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) None#

Set component level prompt template which can use multiple input topics.


template (Union[str, Path]) – Template in the form of a valid jinja2 string or a path to a file containing the jinja2 string.

Return type:


Example usage:

llm_component = LLM(inputs=[text0],
llm_component.set_component_prompt(template="You are an amazing and funny robot. You answer all questions with short and concise answers. You can see the following items: {{ detections }}. Please answer the following: {{ text0 }}")
register_tool(tool: Callable, tool_description: dict, send_tool_response_to_model: bool = False) None#

Register a tool with the component which can be called by the model. If the send_tool_response_to_model flag is set to True than the output of the tool is sent back to the model and final output of the model is sent to component publishers (i.e. the model β€œuses” the tool to give a more accurate response.). If the flag is set to False than the output of the tool is sent to publishers of the component.

  • tool (Callable) – An arbitrary function that needs to be called. The model response will describe a call to this function.

  • tool_description (dict) – A dictionary describing the function. This dictionary needs to be made in the format shown here. Also see usage example.

  • send_tool_response_to_model – Whether the model should be called with the tool response. If set to false the tool response will be sent to component publishers. If set to true, the response will be sent back to the model and the final response from the model will be sent to the publishers. Default is False.

  • send_tool_response_to_model – bool

Return type:


Example usage:

def my_arbitrary_function(first_param: str, second_param: int) -> str:
    return f"{first_param}, {second_param}"

my_func_description = {
          'type': 'function',
          'function': {
            'name': 'my_arbitrary_function',
            'description': 'Description of my arbitrary function',
            'parameters': {
              'type': 'object',
              'properties': {
                'first_param': {
                  'type': 'string',
                  'description': 'Description of the first param',
                'second_param': {
                  'type': 'int',
                  'description': 'Description of the second param',
              'required': ['first_param', 'second_param'],

my_component.register_tool(tool=my_arbitrary_function, tool_description=my_func_description, send_tool_response_to_model=False)