
A Component is the main execution unit, every Component is equivalent to a ROS2 Lifecycle Node comprising of:

Base Component

Component Structure#

Each Component must serve one main functionality which can be executed in different modes or ComponentRunType (Example below), additionally the Component can offer any number of additional services.

Available ComponentRunType are:

RunType (str)

RunType (enum)




Executes main functionality in a timed loop while active



Executes main functionality based on a trigger topic/event



Executes main functionality based on a ROS2 service request from a client



Executes main functionality based on a ROS2 action server request from a client

The run type can be configured using ‘run_type’ attribute in the component config class, or directly using ‘run_type’ property:

from ros_sugar.config import ComponentRunType, BaseComponentConfig
from ros_sugar.core import BaseComponent

config = BaseComponentConfig(run_type=ComponentRunType.EVENT)

# Can directly pass a string
config = ComponentConfig(run_type="Event")

# Can set from Component
comp = BaseComponent(component_name='test')
comp.run_type = "Server"    # or ComponentRunType.SERVER


All the functionalities implemented in ROS2 nodes can be found in the Component.

Inputs and Outputs#

Each component can be configured with a set of input topics and output topics. When launched the component will automatically create ROS2 subscribers, publishers and callbacks to the associated inputs/outputs.

from ros_sugar.core import BaseComponent
from import Topic

# Define a set of topics
map_topic = Topic(name="map", msg_type="OccupancyGrid")
audio_topic = Topic(name="voice", msg_type="Audio")
image_topic = Topic(name="camera/rgb", msg_type="Image")

# Init the component with inputs/outputs
comp = BaseComponent(component_name='test', inputs=[map_topic, image_topic], outputs=[audio_topic])

See also

Check how to configure a topic for the component input or output here

Health Status#

Each Component comes with an associated health status to express the well or mal-function of the component. Health status is always available internally and can in the component by associating failure status to a Fallback behavior allowing the component to self-recover. Component also have the option to declare the status back to the system by publishing on a Topic. This can be configured in the BaseComponentConfig class.

Learn more on using health status in the component here.


Component fallbacks are aet of techniques to be applied internally in case of failure to allow self-recovery within the component. Check the fallbacks dedicated page to learn how to use and configure your own fallbacks.