
Events are created to alert a robot software stack to any dynamic change at runtime. An Event is defined by a change in a ROS2 message value on a specific topic.

Events are used by matching them to ‘Actions’; an Action is meant to be executed at runtime once the Event is triggered.

Available Events:#

OnEqual Event#

OnEqual Event is triggered when a given topic attribute value is equal to a given trigger value.

Example usage scenario:

  • Event when the detection id (object type) in an object detection topic is equal to a specific object (to raise an event on detecting another robot, a human, etc.)

from import OnEqual
from import Topic
from vision_msgs.msg import Detection2D

example_person_id_from_db : int = 3

# Raise event as long as a person is detected
person_detected = OnEqual(
    Topic(name="/person_detection", msg_type=Detection2D),
    ("results", "id"),

OnDifferent Event#

OnDifferent Event is triggered when a given topic attribute value is different from a given trigger value.

OnChange Event#

OnChange Event is triggered when a given topic attribute changes in value from any initial value to any new value. The target attribute value is registered on the first recept of a message on the target topic, then the event is triggered on a change in that value. After a change the new value is registered and the event is triggered again on any new change, …etc.

Example usage scenario:

  • Event on a change in the number of detected people of the robot by a vision system to play a friendly message.

from import OnChange
from import Topic

# Raise event when the number of detected people change
number_people_change = OnChange(
    Topic(name="/people_count", msg_type="Int"),

OnChangeEqual Event#

OnChangeEqual Event is a combination of OnChange and OnEqual events. OnChangeEqual is triggered when a given topic attribute changes in value from any initial value to given trigger goal value.


The difference between using OnChangeEqual as opposite to OnEqual or OnChange is that:

  • OnEqual will keep getting triggered every time a new message value is received that is equal to the trigger.

  • OnChange will keep getting triggered every time a new message value is received that is different from a previous value

  • OnChangeEqual will get triggered once when the topic message value reaches the trigger, making it convenient for many applications

Example usage scenarios:

  • Event on the robot reaching a navigation goal point: reach_end Boolean topic OnChangeEqual to True (triggered once when reaching, does not trigger again if the robot is static and staying in ‘goal reaching’ state)

  • Event on an Enum value of a message attribute to detect reaching a given state.

  • Event of reaching 100% charge level of a robot to end charging.

from import OnChangeEqual
from import Topic

# Raise event when end is reached
reached_end = OnChangeEqual(
    Topic(name="/reach_end", msg_type="Bool"),

OnGreater Event#

OnGreater Event is triggered when a given topic attribute value is greater than a given trigger value.

Example usage scenario:

  • Event when a drone is higher than a certain allowed elevation (location z coordinate > elevation level), to bring the drone down into allowed limits.

from import OnGreater
from import Topic

# Raise event when elevation is more than 100 meters
crossed_100m_elevation = OnGreater(
    Topic(name="/odom", msg_type="Odometry"),
    ("pose", "pose", "position", "z")

OnLess Event#

OnLess Event is triggered when a given topic attribute value is less than a given trigger value.

Example usage scenario:

  • Event when the robot battery level falls under a certain low limit, to go back to the charging station, for example.

from import OnLess
from import Topic

# Raise event when battery is low
low_battery = OnLess(
    Topic(name="/battery_level", msg_type="Int"),