Inputs and Outputs#

Components in Kompass are defined to accept only restricted types of inputs/outputs to help lock the functionality of a specific Component implementation. Each input/output is associated with a unique keyword name and is set to accept one or many of ROS2 message types. Additionally, the input/output keyword in the Component can define a category of Topics rather than a single one. To see an example of this check the DriveManager Component. In this component the input sensor_data defines any proximity sensor input (LiDAR, Radar, etc.) and can optionally take up to 10 Topics of such types to fuse it internally during execution.

Configuring an input/output of a Component is very straightforward and can be done in one line in your Python script. Below is an example for configuring the previously mentioned DriveManager:

    from kompass.components import DriveManager
    from kompass.ros import Topic

    driver = DriveManager(component_name="driver")

    # Configure an input
    driver.inputs(sensor_data=[Topic(name='/scan', msg_type='LaserScan'),
                               Topics(name='radar_data', msg_type='Float64')])

    # Configure an output
    driver.outputs(emergency_stop=Topic(name='alarm', msg_type='Bool'))

See also

See the input/output configuration class Topic in detail here

Configure inputs/outputs for your custom component#

Inputs/Outputs in a Component are dictionaries with each key representing a unique input/output key name and the value equal to the Topic. Each component in Kompass stack is created with default inputs/outputs which can be modified, along with restrictions on the allowed message types for each input/output key and the number of obligatory/optional streams.

See also

All of Kompass stack inputs/outputs keys, default values and allowed values can be seen in detail in the source code.

Let’s say you wish to extend the stack and create your own component that filters velocity commands from an autonomous controller, and at least one remote controller with up-to n connected remote controllers, you can design the component inputs/outputs and allowed values in a similar way as follows:

    from typing import Union, List
    from kompass.ros import Topic, AllowedTopic

    # Import the parent component
    from kompass.components.component import Component
    # Import a helper method to safely update input/output values in a component
    from kompass.components.ros import update_topics

    # Default inputs: one autonomous command and 2 remote commands, all of type Twist
    default_inputs = Dict[str, Union[Topic, List[Topic]]] = {
    "autonomous_cmd": Topic(name="/cmd_autonom", msg_type="Twist"),
    "remote_cmd": [Topic(name="/cmd_remote_0", msg_type="Twist"), Topic(name="/cmd_remote_1", msg_type="Twist")],

    # Default outputs: one final Twist command
    default_outputs = Dict[str, Topic] = {
    "robot_cmd": Topic(name="/cmd_vel", msg_type="Twist")

    allowed_inputs: Dict[str, AllowedTopics] = {
    "autonomous_cmd": AllowedTopics(types=["Twist"]),
    "remote_cmd": AllowedTopics(
        number_required=1,  # One required remote command topic
        number_optional=10,     # Up to 10 optional topics for remote commands

    allowed_outputs: Dict[str, AllowedTopics] = {
    "robot_cmd": AllowedTopics(types=["Twist"]),

    # Write your custom component

    class MyComponent(Component):
        def __init__(
            component_name: str,
            config_file: Optional[str] = None,
            inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Topic]] = None,
            outputs: Optional[Dict[str, Topic]] = None,
        ) -> None:
            # Update defaults from custom topics if provided
            in_topics = (
                update_topics(driver_default_inputs, **inputs)
                if inputs
                else default_inputs
            out_topics = (
                update_topics(driver_default_outputs, **outputs)
                if outputs
                else default_outputs

                allowed_inputs=allowed_inputs,  # Pass allowed inputs to the component

            # Write the rest of your functionalities ...


If the number of required and optional streams is not specified for an AllowedTopic, then the only one stream is required with no additional optional streams (default: number_required=1, number_optional=0)