Supported ROS2 Messages#
Kompass components create automatic subscribers and callbacks to all inputs and publishers to all outputs. Kompass comes with a set of supported message types; each supported type has an associated callback and publisher.
Access all callbacks in a component in self.callbacks: Dict[str, GenericCallback]
and get the topic incoming message using get_output
method in the callback class
Access all publishers in a BaseComponent
in self.publishers_dict: Dict[str, Publisher]
and publish a new message to the topic using publish
method in the publisher class
Below is a list of supported messages and the types accepted by their publishers publish
method and returned by their callback get_output
Message |
ROS2 package |
Callback return type |
Publisher converts from |
std_msgs |
std_msgs |
std_msgs |
std_msgs |
geometry_msgs |
geometry_msgs |
geometry_msgs |
geometry_msgs |
geometry_msgs |
geometry_msgs |
Not Implemented |
kompass_interfaces |
sensor_msgs |
sensor_msgs |
nav_msgs |
sensor_msgs |
sensor_msgs |
nav_msgs |
nav_msgs |
automatika_ros_sugar |
Detections |
automatika_agents_interfaces |
Trackings |
automatika_agents_interfaces |