Following a moving target using vision#

In this tutorial we will create a vision-based target following navigation system to follow a moving target using an RGB camera input.

Before you start#

Lets take care of some preliminary setup.

Get and start your camera ROS2 node#

Based on the type of the camera used on your robot, you need to install and launch its respective ROS2 node provided by the manufacturer.

To run and test this example on your development machine, you can use your webcam along with the usb_cam package:

sudo apt install ros-<ros2-distro>-usb-cam
ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe

Start vision detection/tracking using an ML model#

To implement and run this example we will need a detection model processing the RGB camera images to provide the Detection or Tracking information. The most convenient way to obtain this is to use ROS Agents package and [RoboML] to deploy and serve the model locally. ROS Agents provides a Vision Component, which will allow us to easily deploy a ROS node in our system that interacts with vision models.

Therefore, before starting with this tutorial you need to install both packages:

  • Install ROS Agents: check the instructions here

  • Install RoboML: pip install roboml

See also

ROS Agents is another ROS Sugar based package used for creating interactive embodied agents that can understand, remember, and act upon contextual information from their environment.

After installing both packages, you can start roboml to serve the model later either on the robot (or your development machine), or on another machine in the local network or any server the cloud. To start a roboml RESP server, simply run:



Save the IP of the machine running roboml as we will use it later in our model client

Setting up the vision component and model client in ROS Agents#

First, we need to import the VisionModel class that defines the model used later in the component, and a model client to communicate with the model which can be running on the same hardware or in the cloud. Here we will use a RESPModelClient from RoboML as we activated the RESP based model server in roboml.

from agents.models import VisionModel
from agents.clients.roboml import RESPModelClient

Now let’s configure the model we want to use for detections/tracking and the model client:

object_detection = VisionModel(
roboml_detection = RESPModelClient(object_detection, host='', logging_level="warn")
  # should be replaced by the IP of the machine running roboml. In this case we assume that roboml is running on our robot.

The model is configured with a name and a checkpoint (any checkpoint from mmdetection framework can be used, see available checkpoints). In this example, we have chosen a model checkpoint trained on the MS COCO dataset which has over 80 classes of commonly found objects. We also set the option setup_trackers to True to enable publishing tracking information.

We load the VisionModel into the RESPModelClient and configure the host to the IP of the machine running RoboML. In this code above, it is assumed that we are running RoboML on localhost.

See also

See all available VisionModel options here, and all available model clients in agents here

Setting up the Vision Component#

We start by importing the required component along with its configuration class from agents:

from agents.components import Vision
from agents.config import VisionConfig

After setting up the model client, we need to select the input/output topics to configure the vision component:

from agents.ros import Topic

# RGB camera input topic is set to the compressed image topic
image0 = Topic(name="/image_raw/compressed", msg_type="CompressedImage")

# Select the output topics: detections and trackings
detections_topic = Topic(name="detections", msg_type="Detections")
trackings_topic = Topic(name="trackings", msg_type="Trackings")

# Select the vision component configuration
detection_config = VisionConfig(
    threshold=0.5, enable_visualization=True

# Create the component
vision = Vision(
    outputs=[detections_topic, trackings_topic],

The component inputs/outputs are defined to get the images from the camera topic and provide both detections and trackings. The component is provided theses inputs and outputs along with the model client that we configured in the previous step. The trigger of the component is set to the image input topic so the component would work in an Event-Based runtype and provide a new detection/tracking on each new image.

In the component configuration, the parameter enable_visualization is set to True to get a visualization of the output on an additional pop-up window for debugging purposes. The threshold parameter (confidence threshold for object detection) is set to 0.5.

See also

Discover the different configuration options of the Vision component in the docs

See also

For detailed example for using the vision component check this tutorial

Setup your robot#

We can select the robot motion model, control limits and other geometry parameters using the RobotConfig class

from kompass.robot import (
import numpy as np

# Setup your robot configuration
my_robot = RobotConfig(
    geometry_params=np.array([0.1, 0.3]),
    ctrl_vx_limits=LinearCtrlLimits(max_vel=0.4, max_acc=1.5, max_decel=2.5),
        max_vel=0.2, max_acc=2.0, max_decel=2.0, max_steer=np.pi / 3

See also

See more details about the robot configuration in the point navigation tutorial and in the RobotConfig class details

Import the required components from Kompass#

To implement the target following system we will use the Controller component to generate the tracking commands and the DriveManager to handle the safe communication with the robot driver

from kompass.components import Controller, ControllerConfig, DriveManager

Configure the VisionFollower and setup the components#

We select the vision follower method parameters by importing the config class VisionFollowerConfig (see default parameters here), then configure both our components:

from kompass.control import VisionFollowerConfig

# Set the controller component configuration
config = ControllerConfig(loop_rate=10.0, ctrl_publish_type="Sequence", control_time_step=0.3)

# Init the controller
controller = Controller(
    component_name="my_controller", config=config
# Set the vision tracking input to either the detections or trackings topic

# Set the vision follower configuration
vision_follower_config = VisionFollowerConfig(
    control_horizon=3, enable_search=False, target_search_pause=6, tolerance=0.2
controller.algorithms_config = vision_follower_config  # We can also configure other algorithms (DWA, DV etc.) and pass a list to the algorithms_config property

# Init the drive manager with the default parameters
driver = DriveManager(component_name="my_driver")

Here we selected a loop rate for the controller of 10Hz and a control step for generating the commands of 0.3s, and we selected to send the commands sequentially as they get computed. The vision follower is configured with a control_horizon equal to three future control time steps and a target_search_pause equal to 6 control time steps. We also chose to disable the search, meaning that the tracking action would end when the robot looses the target.


target_search_pause is implemented so the robot would pause and wait while tracking to avoid loosing the target due to quick movement and slow model response. It should be adjusted based on the inference time of the model.

Add all the components to the launcher#

All that is left is to add all the three previous components to the launcher and bringup the system!

from kompass.ros import Launcher

launcher = Launcher()

# setup agents as a package in the launcher and add the vision component

# setup the components for Kompass in the launcher
    components=[controller, driver],
# Set the robot config for all components
launcher.robot = my_robot

# Start all the components

Et voila! our code for the full vision-based target follower is ready and here is the complete script

 1import numpy as np
 2from agents.components import Vision
 3from agents.models import VisionModel
 4from agents.clients.roboml import RESPModelClient
 5from agents.config import VisionConfig
 6from agents.ros import Topic
 8from kompass.components import Controller, ControllerConfig, DriveManager
 9from kompass.robot import (
10    AngularCtrlLimits,
11    LinearCtrlLimits,
12    RobotGeometry,
13    RobotType,
14    RobotConfig,
16from kompass.control import VisionFollowerConfig
17from kompass.ros import Launcher
19# RGB camera input topic is set to the compressed image topic
20image0 = Topic(name="/image_raw/compressed", msg_type="CompressedImage")
22# Select the output topics: detections and trackings
23detections_topic = Topic(name="detections", msg_type="Detections")
24trackings_topic = Topic(name="trackings", msg_type="Trackings")
26object_detection = VisionModel(
27    name="object_detection",
28    checkpoint="rtmdet_tiny_8xb32-300e_coco",
29    setup_trackers=True,
30    deploy_tensorrt=True,
33roboml_detection = RESPModelClient(
34    object_detection, host="", logging_level="warn"
37# Select the vision component configuration
38detection_config = VisionConfig(threshold=0.5, enable_visualization=True)
40# Create the component
41vision = Vision(
42    inputs=[image0],
43    outputs=[detections_topic, trackings_topic],
44    trigger=image0,
45    config=detection_config,
46    model_client=roboml_detection,
47    component_name="detection_component",
50# Setup your robot configuration
51my_robot = RobotConfig(
52    model_type=RobotType.DIFFERENTIAL_DRIVE,
53    geometry_type=RobotGeometry.Type.CYLINDER,
54    geometry_params=np.array([0.1, 0.3]),
55    ctrl_vx_limits=LinearCtrlLimits(max_vel=0.4, max_acc=1.5, max_decel=2.5),
56    ctrl_omega_limits=AngularCtrlLimits(
57        max_vel=0.2, max_acc=2.0, max_decel=2.0, max_steer=np.pi / 3
58    ),
60# Set the controller component configuration
61config = ControllerConfig(
62    loop_rate=10.0, ctrl_publish_type="Sequence", control_time_step=0.3
65# Init the controller
66controller = Controller(component_name="my_controller", config=config)
67# Set the vision tracking input to either the detections or trackings topic
70# Set the vision follower configuration
71vision_follower_config = VisionFollowerConfig(
72    control_horizon=3, enable_search=False, target_search_pause=6, tolerance=0.2
74controller.algorithms_config = vision_follower_config  # We can also configure other algorithms (DWA, DV etc.) and pass a list to the algorithms_config property
76# Init the drive manager with the default parameters
77driver = DriveManager(component_name="my_driver")
79launcher = Launcher()
81    components=[vision],
82    ros_log_level="warn",
85    components=[controller, driver],
87# # Set the robot config for all components
88launcher.robot = my_robot

Trigger the following action#

After running your complete system you can send a goal to the controller’s action server /my_controller/track_vision_target of type kompass_interfaces.action.TrackVisionTarget to start tracking a selected label (person for example):

ros2 action send_goal /my_controller/track_vision_target kompass_interfaces/action/TrackVisionTarget "{label: 'person'}"

You can also re-run the previous script and activate the target search by adding the following config or sending the config along with the action send_goal:

vision_follower_config = VisionFollowerConfig(
    control_horizon=3, enable_search=True, target_search_pause=6, tolerance=0.2
ros2 action send_goal /my_controller/track_vision_target kompass_interfaces/action/TrackVisionTarget "{label: 'person', search_radius: 1.0, search_timeout: 30}"